Parallel report to the UN Committee on the rights of the child

Parallel report to the UN Committee on the rights of the child

This parallel report is submitted by the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) for the fifth examination of the Kingdom of Denmark at the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

The structure of the parallel report follows the structure in the guidelines prepared for the Committee on the Rights of the Child by Child Rights Connect, “The Reporting Cycle of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: A guide for NGOs and and NHRIs”.


This report contains recommendations to the government of Denmark and the self-rule government of Greenland on the promotion and protection of human rights in accordance with the CRC.

The key recommendations of this report are the following:

  1. That Denmark take steps to repeal the provisions of the Aliens Act requiring that persons obtaining temporary protection status cannot in principle achieve family reunification within the first three years.

  1. That Denmark abolish the use of solitary confinement of children and juveniles.

  1. That Denmark strictly monitor the development of child poverty in Denmark, using the former poverty line indicator until another viable indicator is found.

  1. That Denmark and Greenland develop and implement a national human rights plan of action on the rights of the child.

  1. That Greenland regularly document the effects of initiated measures in relation to preventing and combatting neglect and abuse of children and violence towards children and in relation to rehabilitation efforts on substance abuse and addiction in families.

  1. That Greenland initiate specific and forcefulmeasures to combat child poverty and continuously monitor the effect of these measures.

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