Parallel report to the UN Human Rights Comittee 2016

Parallel report to the UN Human Rights Comittee 2016

This parallel report is submitted by the Danish Institute for Human Rights for the 6th examination of the Kingdom of Denmark at the UN Human Rights Committee.

The report entails four chapters:

  • Chapter 1 on structural issues regarding the full implementation of human rights in Denmark.
  • Chapter 2 on issues regarding the general provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); domestic implementation and prohibition of discrimination (art. 2) and gender equality (art. 3).
  • Chapter 3 on issues regarding the ICCPR’s provisions on subjective rights; prohibition of torture (art.7), prohibition of slavery (art. 8), liberty and security of persons (art. 9), right of detainees to be treated with humanity and dignity (art. 10), freedom of movement (art. 12), protection of aliens against arbitrary expulsion (13), privacy (art. 17), freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief (art. 18), freedom of opinion, expression and information (art. 19), marriage and family (art. 23), rights of the child (art. 24), equality (art. 26), protection of minorities (art. 27).
  • Chapter 4 on implementation of the ICCPR in Greenland; domestic implementation of prohibition of discrimination (art. 2), gender equality (art. 3), right to life (art. 6), prohibition of torture (art. 7), right of detainees to be treated with humanity and dignity (art. 10), procedural guarantees in civil and criminal trials (art. 14), rights of the child (art. 24), equality (art. 26), protection of minorities (art. 27).

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